Bye Bye Adobe Flash Player for Android

Since September 2011 Adobe had planned the end on June 28 the company announced the final date and this date is August 15. However, this does not mean that Flash player which is already installed will be abandoned. Also it means that those who installed Flash on iPhone will lose it. The company promises to release a security update, but the development of the plug will not be made longer.

Microsoft, in turn, announced that their new operating system Windows 8 well will have a limited support for Flash player within Internet Explorer application 10. How it will look like in practice we only have to learn.

Thus the war which at one time Steve Jobs unleashed, seems has come to its logical conclusion. It is not so audible cries of Adobe flash player supporters, who predicted the end of iOS due to lack of support for this advanced multimedia plug-in. Also you can download flash player for Mac. And it seems that Adobe just threw in the towel and finally admitted defeat not so much on HTML5 (this is still far away), but agreed that the mobile Flash player is not needed on the consumer market. How else to explain that the company’s own hands strangled his child on one of the freest and most popular Android mobile system?

iOS users from the very beginning did without Flash, but it was often difficult to explain their green friends that without it there is life, it is not the end. And now the most resentful of us can look askance with a sly look in his eyes and say, “Well, I told you about Adobe Flash player end.”

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